Friday, December 17, 2010


Today we have reached the stage of progress we have not seen, this happened by taking on the right decisions or wrong that we are trying to solve and learn from them. Making the right decision does not come a coincidence, but comes by doing meeting. These meetings solved many problems and came with best solutions.
So in class 101 with Mr. John Vrhovnik we have enjoyed the opportunity to do a meeting and it was composed of four people who are the chairman, note taker and group member, what I had to do is to bring some practical ideas and help in solving the problem that posed to us. We have given a week to collect enough information about the problem, so when we met, there were many wonderful ideas and solutions in front of us. We took the best solution and the ideas that were weak and complicated we just ignore it. I learned from this meeting is that when people work together and everyone get the free to speak and give their opinion we will have the best solutions for our problems. Even we will a become more civilize and understanding between each other.
In conclusion, in the next meeting I will be more prepare and bring best solutions. And of course using agenda because without it you will be lost and let the other member take their chance to speak. Last thing is always be on time

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