Friday, December 17, 2010

Abdulla AlShehhi Presentation Report

I will write a report about one of my classmate presentation. His name is Abdulla Ali Alshehhi and ID number H00156266. He did his presentation in class number 31 at the J block and it was Thursday the 9th of December at 10 clocks on the morning.

Abdulla chose his topic which is BlackBerry because it’s the most common use these days. He started by introduce himself and welcoming the audience. After that he jumped to present the topic without using any questions or story, which made his opening weak. Next he mentioned the point which he will discusses it throw the presentation, he talked about the history, advantage and disadvantage of BlackBerry which was interesting for some people whose don’t have this device and for the others were boring because their already have this information except the history. His voice was clear but there was a lot of time stopping and locking to the board, I think he didn’t practice very well. However he used notes to support him and the good thing he used it in good way.

Also he used two PowerPoint slides which he putted his point on it and some pictures. The points were very clear and simple to catch, although the pictures were great and helped him to view the types of BlackBerry. Finally he ends his presentation by a brief summary and said that he briefer BlackBerry than IPhone because it has a messenger and almost all the people use BlackBerry in UAE and answering his audience questions.

In conclusion, the presentation was good and his topic. I hope next time he prepare and practice more.

1 comment:

  1. Adnan:

    Very interesting comments about Abdulla's presentation. Good suggestions for improvement.
    Be careful with spelling, and usage.
    Good details, be more specific with your suggestions.

